The data is printed by sending it to this application via intent.You can use various commands such a...
The data is printed by sending it to this application via intent.You can use various commands such as character size specification, modification, QR code and image printing.Also if your printer doesnt have the required font, it can convert text to images and print it.・Printer pair settingPlease pair with the output printer via "Settings / Connected devices / Bluetooth" for Android devices.・ How to launch the application1. Launch the installed applicationFind and select a Bluetooth printer, test print, and purchase a subscription.Please start the application by itself and select the printer to output when starting for the first time.2. Start from the WebWhen the data is sent from Javascript to this application, it interprets the received command and prints it.The following is an example of a JavaScript description:var commandsToPrint = "" + "[CENTER]PRINT TES[NL]n";var textEncoded = encodeURIComponent(commandsToPrint);window.location.href="intent://"+textEncoded+"#Intent;scheme=com.wizejp.wzescposprint;package=com.wizejp.wzescposprint;end;";※ Please be sure to specify com.wizejp.wzescpopsprint for the scheme and package of window.location.href.---Command list[NEWLINE],[NL] line break[SMALL] Decrease font size[DWIDTH] Double the text width[DHEIGHT] Double the text height[LARGE] Double the text width and height[BOLD] Emphasize text[LEFT] Left align text[RIGHT] Right align text[CENTER] Center text[UNDERLINE] Underline characters (same as UNDERLINE1)[UNDERLINEn] Underline a character (n: 1=thin line, 2=bold line)[NORMAL] Clear highlight, underline and strike-through text settings[LINENL] Print ----- for 1 line and add a new line[DLINENL] Print ===== for 1 line and add a new line[LINE] Print ----- for 1 line (no line break)[DLINE] Print ===== for 1 line (no line break)[INVERSE] Print in black and white inversion mode[CUT] Cut the paper・ Available with regular purchase or the free trial period※ Please turn on the "Storage" permission of the application[QR]text[NL] Print a QR code of the given text (standard size)[QRS]text[NL] Print a QR code of the given text (small size)[QRM]text[NL] Print a QR code of the given text (medium size)[QRL]text[NL] Print a QR code of the given text (large size)[BARCODE128]number[NL] Print a barcode (CODE128) of the number without HRI characters[BARCODE128ABOVE]number[NL] Print a barcode (CODE128) of the number with HRI characters (above the barcode)[BARCODE128BELOW]number[NL] Print a barcode (CODE128) of the number with HRI characters (below the barcode)[BARCODE128BOTH]number[NL] Print a barcode (CODE128) of the number with HRI characters (above and below the barcode)[IMAGE]http://url_of_image[NL] Print the image at the URL (size 200x200)[IMAGE]file:///storage/Download/YourImage.png[NL] Print the image file (size 200x200)[IMAGEw=width,h=height]http://url_of_image[NL] Print the image at the URL with the given width and height (w: width, h: height) Example of a command description: "[IMAGEw=200,h=300]http://url_of_image[NL]" ※ Print an image with width=200px and height=300px[IMAGEw=width,h=height]file:///sdcard/Download/YourImage.png[NL] Print the image file with the given width and height (w: width, h: height) Example of a command description: "[IMAGEw=300,h=200]file:///sdcard/Download/YourImage.png[NL]" ※ Print an image with width=300px and height=200px[IMAGETEXT]text to be output as an image[NL] Convert the text to an image, and print it ※ Some printers may output noise in the printed image.Operation verified printers:・Aibecy POS-5805DD・Zhuhai XP-P300 (Xprinter)